Fee 参加費用: 7,000yen each person 7000円/人
Itinerary are as follows: 当日の予定は下記の通りです。
8:15 Assembly 集合
8:30 Departure 出発
Around 11:00 11:00頃 Arrive in Yamanashi 山梨着
11:30~ Girls Training session including contact, possibly 7s games 合同でコンタクト含む練習会、7s?
12:30 ~ Warm up and then half game against Aloha and Ashitaka from Shizuoka
15:00 Leave the ground グラウンド出発
16:00~17:00 Spa time 温泉
17:15 Party bus to Shinjuku (including Daisuke) 新宿へparty bus(大輔含む)