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Around the traps Volume 2

Nagashima Takashi 






  • So & Aki Nagashima are the proud new parents of a baby son – Takeshi (pictured above). It is also rummored that there are other deliverys on the way. I think Joffa will be retired by the time he is ready to play for the Gaijin.

  • There have been a few birthdays in the team recently. Erin Hughes turned 36 on the 25th of January. Mauro Sauco turned 32 on Australia Day, the 26th of January and Lonnie Childress turned 29 on the same day. Lonnie had a big night and missedthe game against YCAC the next day. Joffa Harris turned 40 on Sunday the 20th and scored a try to commemorate the occasion. Apparently Lonnie did not score.

  • Joe Fisher has been playing for the YCAC A`s and B`s on game day. The good news for the Gaijin is he’ll be super fit when he comes back ‘home’ to the Gaijin.

  • Blake Walker is now recovering from his recent knee operation over the Christmas period. Doctors advised him to take it easy for a while and stay off the chips and pies.

  • It is rumored that Will Thompson will miss the next game (Sun 2nd Feb) as he only has 150

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