April 1, 2021

Friendly @ YCAC

Meeting time 集合時間: 12:45 pm March 28th 3/28 12:45 Meeting place 集合場所: Yamate Station 山手駅 (Negishi Line/根岸線) https://goo.gl/maps/ff6rQ5KuBM4JgHUc6 Ground: Yokohama Country and Activities Club (YCAC)
April 1, 2021

Friendly vs. Meiji Ikuta Inspire @ Mizumoto

Assembly time 集合時間: 10:30 am March 21st 3/21 10:30 (10:00 for TGG sessions/TGG 10:00練習開始) Assembly place 集合場所: Mizumoto Sports Center 水元総合スポーツセンター (Please head to the ENTRANCE […]
October 17, 2020

Shuto Round 2: TGRFC vs Swift

The Gaijin took back the reigns on their Shuto League campaign in the first week of October, with a win over Swift which included an emphatic […]
October 7, 2020

Testimonial Match to the one and only Yamagen

The Crusaders game was a strange one on many counts. Played under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic and in the wake of the late, great […]