August 18, 2021

Old Flames Rekindled: Friendly vs. YCAC

A long long time ago, when Muz wouldn’t get injured in 10 seconds, when many people weren’t so fat, when Joffa had hair (or something approximating hair), there […]
July 27, 2021

Friendly vs. Nerima

Assembly time and place 集合時間並びに集合場所: 13:30 at Misato Chuo sta. on Tsukuba express lineor 14:00 at ground 13:30につくばエクスプレス 三郷中央駅 またはグラウンドに直接14:00
July 27, 2021

Edogawa 7’s

Assembly date and time 集合日時: 8:30 July 4th 7/4 8:30 Assembly place 集合場所: Tokyo Metro Tozai line Nishi Kasai station 東京メトロ東西線 西葛西駅
April 19, 2021

The Boys are Back! Friendly vs Meiji Ikuta Inspire

 With the Katsushika League outright cancelled, the Tokyo Gaijin were glad to get back to winning ways on home turf after a successful tour to Okinawa […]