March 18, 2016

Gaijin Drama stops Akanehama

Dateline 2nd Feburary, 2016

Despite fears of cancellation due to a weather warning, bright sunlight was the only element flooding Edogawa’s number 3 ground yesterday as Tokyo Gaijin romped away to a 60-12 victory against Chiba’s Akanehama.  And yet, the score masked an uneven perfomance by the Gaijin with strengths consolidated, while problem areas remained unsolved.
March 17, 2016

Supermen get a fright from Gaijin kryptonite!

Dateline: 21st February, 2016

Inagi’s Nagamine sports field played host to the first round of the 2016 Cup Winners’ Cup on February 21st and saw Tokyo Gaijin hand out an 85 – 17 drubbing to Superman RFC.

March 17, 2016

Tokyo Gaijin RFC 2016 Annual General Meeting

Dateline 31st January, 2016

The Tokyo Gaijin held their Annual General Meeting after training on Sunday 31st January to select the major positions within the team and discuss operations for  the year. Read on for a brief description of what transpired.

February 17, 2016

Battle with Kawagoe Fighters

Dateline: Sunday 24th, January, 2016

The Tokyo Gaijin RFC started their 2016 season with a 'friendly' match against the Kawagoe Fighters in Kawagoe, in what has become an annual event. It was a cold day, with cold wind, but the guys were ready to blow away the cobwebs and rust developed over the festive season in their first match for two months. The team met at Kawagoe station (with some delay as a person fell onto the tracks). Once the team was ready, they took a to the stadium where the match was to be played.

Last year Tokyo Gaijin RFC defeated Kawagoe Fighters but it was a close, tough match so from the warm-up the team were focused on playing tough and fast.