October 21, 2008

Beers Downed

Tokyo Gaijin CoinThe first match for the Tokyo Gaijins Shuto Leage season came to pass
 this past weekend and in many ways it went exactly as expected.

The week leading up to the match showed that people were excited and
 eager to get back on the pitch and prove that the Gaijin were the team
 to beat. Emails were flying about who would start, who deserved what 
and who had been training and who was truly ready to play. A lot of
 talk had been made - especially by the Captain - about the potential
 effects of the ELV's and how they may change the tactics of our play. 
In particular, the added emphasis on fitness was a focal point.  The forecast was hot and humid with a 35% chance of showers. All
 proved to be correct as weather had been stormy with a lot of thunder
and lightening through the latter half of summer. As the Gaijin warmed
 up on a scorching and humid (post-rain) day, the need for water during
 warm-up breaks showed how the humidity would play early on.

 From the start of the match the Gaijin seemed to not be able to find 
their pace. While there was no lack of desire to get hands on the ball
and make plays on the field. Plays were some what disjointed and there
was not really a sense that things were firing on all cylinders.

 Captain Murray Clarke did his best to raise the alarm, and get the 
Gaijin to pick up the intensity. 

October 21, 2008

Friendly against Kichijoji Wild Turkeys and Shinjuku Jacks

Friendly against Kichijoji Wild Turkeys and Shinjuku Jacks Last Sunday the team had a ‘Friendly’ mini-game against the above two teams. The game was organized by […]
October 21, 2008

Around the Traps – Volume 3

Around the Traps – Volume 3 TGRFC


Jo & Shino Iwasaki became the proud new parents of a baby girl – Suzu Iwasaki, on the 27th of June. Mother and child are doing well. I am not sure about dad. It is hoped that Suzu becomes a valuable member of the Tokyo Gaijin like her parents have been over the past 10 years.

Rob Poulton & girlfriend Jennifer had a baby boy – Carlos Joseph Lee Poulton on July 25th. Rob flew down to the Philippines a couple of days later to make sure it was his baby. There were no doubts when the baby weighed in around 9 pounds (around 4 kilos). Looks like there is another prop in the family. Rob is back in Japan now working hard to save his first million while Jenny is solo parenting. Looks like a big change in lifestyle is on the way for young Rob.


Blake Walker, unsighted on the Rugby field for almost 3 years now, is rumored to be on the comeback trail. Blake who damaged ligaments in one of his knees finally had an operation at Christmas time. READ MORE... 


August 19, 2008

Sugadaira 2008

TGRFCThanks to the superb organisational skills of Gaijin stalwart Alaistair Nimmo, the Gaijin were just able to scrape together the required numbers for another trip to Japan's rugby Mecca "Sugadaira". Al Nimo shouting for a big push.
Having heard accounts from previous Sugadaira trips such as the time when a former captain interfered with tanuki carrion and then the following morning at the opening ceremony (still completely intoxicated), recounted in precise detail his entire career and how much he loves rugby, in front of all teams present, I knew I had to make the pilgrimage and experience Sugadaira for myself.
Leaving the metropolis on Friday afternoon with Gaijin Motivational Specialist Erin Hughes and son Eric, we were hit by the most sudden, fierce hail and thunder storm this Gaijin has ever experienced - hardly an auspicious sign with the weekend's proceedings just beginning. Erin slowed his SUV to about 5kms per hour on the motorway, expressing caution uncharacteristic of a former Marine hard-man, and we slowly forged on. Reaching Sugadaira at nightfall, we realised that Mrs Erin (Satomi) Hughes hadn't bothered entering the hotel address into the car- navi (she'd simply entered Sugadaira, Nagano). Whether she had overestimated her husband's navigational skills, or used this to get back at her husband for taking the family car for the weekend remains a mystery but we were completely lost. Luckily we had young Eric to bail us out of this sticky situation.